On this Meals Ordering App Tutorial, we'll learn the way Customers can place a meals order, Replace Order and Delete…
Skillshare: https://www.skillshare.com/classes/To-Do-App-with-Clean-Architecture-Android-Development-Kotlin/661568231 Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/course/to-do-app-clean-architecture-android-development-kotlin/?referralCode=9836891EDBD1479ECF50 So this course will be a little different from my previous ones, because in this course…
Socials: ►Instagram: https://goo.gl/RMx17R ►Twitter: https://goo.gl/3fzWnC ►Fb: https://goo.gl/NkrJCc Hello, Im beginning with new serie, I need to present you methods to…
Ofrezco mis servicios como desarrollador de software. Hago software a la necesidad del cliente. Contacto: carlosduarte.1@hotmail.com source